Twelve Books
It has been over three months since my last posting! Blame it on a new library being built around me and all the changes at work and other aspects of life. I have had time for a little reading so here is a listing and then I'll tell about my favorites. Harry Potter: Page To Screen - this was a birthday gift from my husband (after I suggested how much I would love to own it); The World of Downton Abbey; Death of a Kingfisher - M. C. Beaton; If You Ask Me... and you won't - Betty White; Take Big Bites - Linda Ellerbee; The Rivalry - John Feinstein; Ties that Bind, Ties that Break - Namioka; The Back Porch and Other Stories - Jerry Apps; Storyteller - Edward Myers; Chime - Billingsley; Calico Joe - John Grisham; A Brief History of Mantmaray - Michelle Cooper; Fiction favorites were the mystery Death of a Kingfisher and hisorical fiction A Brief History of Mantmaray; I loved perusing the glorious photos and drawings of Harry Potter: Page to Screen and The World of Downton Abbey; The books by Betty White and LInda Ellerbee were both memoirs of a sort and very enjoyable. I have greater respect for both those women now.