Friday, May 28, 2010

Vote for Larry by Janet Tashjian
This is a terrific story with the potential to actually inspire teens and young adults (college students, anyway) to get out and vote! It might also inspire some gifted individuals like its characters Josh, Janine, and Beth to become candidates or political activists. This book presents issues that are inherently consequential for the Y Generation and beyond. Thru these passionate young individuals Tashjian portrays the idea of the Critical Patriot: the person who sees the flaws of the country but doesn't retreat into cynical commentary. This person actually loves this country with its flaws and is ready to work to make it better! I haven’t read the first book about ‘Larry’ which is titled The Gospel According to Larry, but now that I’ve finished this sequel, I must backtrack to read the first book about this intellectually gifted and passionately caring young man.

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